Friday, December 7, 2018

What African Leaders are doing so wrong

So far in the last 10 years, over 34000 Africans mostly youth got stranded or died before, during or after an attempt to migrate across the Mediterranean.

In same last ten years, over 400million youth are unemployed. Sadly, Africa's youth population is fast rising and could reach 1 billion by 2030 -2050 far above earlier projections.

The sad reality is our governments don't want to hear these truths which they know so well. What do they do?

They fool the people by doing some cosmetic infrastructure works with Chinese companies that bring their water from China, bring their labour from China, bring their equipments from China, and take back all money to China. So whom does this benefit?

Instead of thinking smart and investing in human capital they waste these quick and dirty loans from China and wherever to buy guns, bullets, pepper spray and construct barricades, and position armed policemen or soldiers in all corners of the country in the name of security.

What security in guns when the critical mass of people are hungry, desperate, and frustrated?

Parents go hungry to sponsor their children in school and when they graduate they can't get a job;

But the senate buildings are glittering with gold and senators are each paid allowances that could pay salaries for 150 people per month but they aren't thinking so;

MPs each collect allowances that could construct a community hospital each month;

Ministers seat on heavy budgets most of which is squandered on doing press conferences, galas, or hiring all the press and security to commission a borehole;

Our Seating Presidents torture, maim, jail, exile, accuse or kill any opposition challenge or youths peacefully demonstrating asking for basic rights;

Some presidents want to rule for life, rent big hotels abroad, buy presidential jets that yield no benefit to the public; yet there are no good roads, no good hospitals, no good schools, no good housing most people live in squalor, and we are now seeing more street children and homeless people sleeping under trees and bridges.

We have presidents that cannot think beyond borrowing and beyond talking trash in speeches that can't plant a tree or put food on the table....

Now they are selling over Africa to China.............Just to mention these few......

When African youth will rise to the streets, all their armed personnel and guns and even if they combine all the guns in Europe and china that will not be able to stop the anger of these critical mass of desperate people. I've repeated that the Arab spring was just the tip of the iceberg of what sub Saharan Africa will experience if our leaders continue with this unfortunate behavior.

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