Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Africa can Move from Marginal Supplier of Raw Commodities to Harnessing Full Potential of its Natural Capital...

Dr. Fatima Denton as new Director of United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) Accra Ghana spells out new action perspectives on Africa's sustainable development trajectory:

- Adopt research-based knowledge to ensure sustainable development;

- Strengthen partnerships with research institutions in Africa to enable them research into areas that affect development;

- Africa has to elevate science to economic literacy and anchor our work to respond to problems that our governments, farmers and vulnerable communities are wrestling with;

- Leverage on our research institutes as producers of knowledge and influencers of research outcomes;

- Operate in a space where we can draw on strong science and identify downstream best tools to deploy scientific findings that can support policy;

- Africa need a move away from being a marginal supplier of raw commodities to harnessing the full potential of its natural capital through diversification and greater value addition;

- UNU-INRA would continue to partner other research institutions to achieve sustainable development goals.
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